We are super excited and privileged to have the opportunity to interview the CEO of Lloyd’s, Inga Beale on the 30th of August.
Insureblocks is all about community and for this unique podcast, we want to give you, our awesome listeners, the opportunity to join in!
If you have a burning question you’d like to ask Inga on blockchain, just click on the button below and you can record your question. We will collect all the questions we receive and make a short selection for Inga to answer live in the podcast. If yours is chosen, you will hear your voice in the podcast and Inga’s answer!
So join me and Inga for this podcast.
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Hi Walid, my question would be:
Given Lloyds in its early days was until the 90th a very good connection of Riskowners (insured) and Capitalowners (names) to enable risky missions by using analogue brokers, underwriters, claims adjusters and lawyers.
To dream on:
Do you think one could build a “New Lloyds on the Block” at a green field beginning 2019 – to insure more and other kind of risks by using BC, AI and IOT – and not only focused purely on cost saving effects and speed, but more holitsic, to attract capital owner to take a slice of risks and to encourage risk owners to offer risk-investments and share their risks with capital owners at a fair risk price level – to act nearly automated and not containing all cost elements of traditional insurance industries value chain?
Does Lloyd’s feel any responsibility for the current pressures on syndicates having signed off on huge growth plans in a market where rates were falling?
Hi Walid. Thanks for hosting g what promises to be an amazing podcast! This is my question for Dame Inga Beale:
With the idea of exponential change widely talked about as being an imperative for all organisations to understand and respond to, what are your views in how Lloyd’s plays a role in encouraging leadership on ‘day after tomorrow thinking’ in Lloyd’s and the London Market? How do technologies such as Blockchain help shift the mindset as to what’s possible?
Madeline Bailey
Head of Strategic Inititaives
MS Amlin
Hi Walid
Thank you for providing this platform to ask Dame Inga Baele a question.
I couldn’t stick everything I wanted to say into a 20 second submission but please congratulate her on my behalf for an excellent Q1 adoption of PPL – having seeing the platform in action firsthand, I can say it was excellent!
Thank you!
Best wishes,
Rahul Mathur
Hello Hello Hello!
Firstly, thank you Walid for what has been a great insight into blockchain, and it’s uses within Insurance.
My question is the following
“It’s early days yet for the Blockchain technology, as well as the other potential associated technologies which could sit along side (IoT and AI)..
How can we persuade and more importantly incentivise underwriting teams to do things in a different way and start to adopt these new technologies, rather than stick to traditional methods.
I have a feeling that if we don’t someone else (outside our market) will”
Many thanks for a great podcast and site.
Hi Walid,
Firstly, great job on curating such a valuable set of content and learning from the Insureblocks podcasts.
Great job in securing Dame Inga Beale. My question with Vision 2025 and beyond in mind.
“With no restrictions on the and the why, if you were designing a Lloyd’s 3.0 today:
i) What would you focus on to not only deliver efficiency, but improve protection and make insurance more accessible, relevant and affordable no just for today, but for tomorrow?
ii) What beliefs and behavioural changes are needed inside the Corporation and in the market to deliver this in a more effective and resilient way?”
Thanks for all you do in moving the industry forward.
All the best
Mark Simpson